Alpiker Makine Started Production with A-Class HT Fabric Dyeing Machine
Alpiker Makine, which started its activities in the field of textile machinery production during the pandemic period, operates in the dye finishing sector with its A-Class HT Fabric Dyeing Machine. The company, whose foundations date back to 2015, continues its branding process rapidly.
Alpiker Makine, which started its activities within Alpiker Construction Company, started its activities in 2020 in the field of textile machinery and stainless production on a total area of 5000 m ² , of which 3500 m ² is closed area.
We interviewed with Alpiker Company Owner Kenan Demiray for our Tekstil Teknoloji magazine. Demiray explains how Alpiker, which started to produce fabric dyeing machines in a period of intense energy crisis, made this decision with the following statements: ‘‘We realized that there is a general need in textile production and that crises offer both problems and opportunities. Therefore, we decided to invest in order to respond to the machine demands that will arise after the crisis and to create capacity.’’’
‘‘Contributing to our country’s economy and providing employment is our most important mission’’
‘‘As Alpiker, our mission is to create consistency with our region. Other facilities in our region meet 90% of the production and export of textile machinery in the country. As Alpiker Makine, our most important mission is to contribute to our country’s economy and provide employment like other esteemed companies.’’ Kenan Demiray additionally expressed that their production quality should be based on the principle of sustainability and that they have adopted the mission of offering the best quality product to their customers by keeping it under control.
Although Alpiker is a newcomer to machine production, it develops products to meet the needs of the sector. The company offers many privileges to its users with its first machine ‘A-Class HT Fabric Dyeing Machine’. Alpiker, which entered the sector with ‘A-Class HT Fabric Dyeing Machine’, lists the features that distinguish its machines from its competitors as follows: ‘‘Among the features that distinguish our machine from other manufacturers; the resources in the production of our machine are handcrafted by our professional and expert personnel, providing excellent fabric dyeing opportunity to users with its strong pump and spinneret structure, and having an uninterrupted fabric dyeing process with the sustainable production and quality understanding it has provided in its field.’’
‘‘We Conduct Environmentally Friendly Production by Keeping the Flotte Ratio at Minimum Level’’
Environmentally friendly production is important for the dye-finishing sector where water and energy consumption is high. Underlining that Alpiker Makine has adopted the principle of environmentally friendly products in its products, Kenan Demiray stated, ‘‘With the products we use and our quality process, we have reduced the amount of water consumption by reducing the dyeing speed of the dyed fabrics. With our innovative design in our design, we continue our environmentally friendly productions by keeping the flotte ratio in the dyehouses at a minimum level.’’
Demiray continued his statements as follows: ‘‘We see one of the duties of fabric dyeing machines as consuming the decreasing water resources in a more economical way since the water consumption of our world is increasing. For these reasons, we expect that in the near future, our machines with minimum water and energy consumption, on which our company is also conducting research, will be indispensable among the trends in the sector.’’
‘‘We take part in publications followed by the sector along with textile machinery exhibitions in Turkey and abroad’’
Emphasizing the importance of brand awareness, Demiray stated that they follow domestic and international exhibitions for this purpose; ‘‘As Alpiker Makine, we show our existence by participating in textile machinery exhibitions both in Turkey and abroad and in publications followed by the sector. In addition, we are committed to keeping our customer satisfaction and quality understanding at the highest level, knowing that our biggest advertisement will be provided by happy customers and users due to the superior quality we offer in our product. We believe that this will contribute to the recognition of our country and our brand.’’
Commenting on the Turkish textile sector, Demiray said the following about the development of the textile sector; ‘‘’First of all, we are honored and proud. We think that every product produced with added value in our country is equivalent to raising our flag to the skies, just like in the Olympics. We are aware that every product produced and exported with the initiatives of domestic industrialists producing in the territory of the Republic of Turkey represents our country.’’’
Explaining Alpiker’s 2023 targets, investment plans and projects to our magazine, Demiray concluded his remarks as follows; ‘‘As Alpiker Makine, we aim to manufacture uninterruptedly in 2023. We have high technology production equipment that we think will contribute to our production. Modernization of the machines that we will manufacture new is among our projects. In 2023, we plan to reach our goal of producing one hundred machines a year, befitting the centennial of our Republic.’’