Beneks Makine Took a Step for University-Industry Cooperation
A workshop was held with the participation of academicians and students of Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Textile and Mechanical Engineering. The workshop was held in order to inform and promote the machines produced for students and academicians, to learn about the innovative works of the academicians in the field of textile and reflect them to the sector, and to obtain information about the academic studies of the university by conveying information about the studies on product development activities.
Beneks Makine R&D Manager Sinan Türker was invited to the workshop within the scope of university-industry cooperation. During the workshop, an informative presentation was made to the students and academicians of the Department of Textile and Mechanical Engineering. Beneks Makine decided to carry out activities to improve cooperation in the workshop where ideas were exchanged on university-industry cooperation.
Sinan Türker talked about the main purposes of the visit as follows: “University-industry cooperation has become necessary in today’s conditions. We are working on this. The primary purpose of our visits is to develop university-industry cooperation on the basis of R&D, to support our company’s research and development activities with our current infrastructure and knowledge, to provide high value-added, technological, quality products and services, and to contribute to academic life.”
Sinan Türker stated that they will provide the necessary support for the development of university-industry cooperation and coordination, and that his visits will continue.