Elteksmak Aims to Be in Every Field of Textile with Its Innovations
Emrah Poslu, the Commercial Coordinator of Elteksmak
Having successfully completed the last year, Elteksmak realized its domestic and international sales above its targets. The company added an area of 5 thousand square meters in addition to the existing manufacturing site. We special an interviewed with Emrah Poslu, the Commercial Coordinator of Elteksmak Company, for the issue of our magazine this month. In our interview, we talked about the company’s activities and future projects.
How was the year 2020 for Elteksmak? What were the innovations you made during this period? Have you made any investments as a company?
Although we have been working under very difficult conditions like everyone else due to the pandemic problem that surrounds the world that we wish to end as soon as possible, the year 2020 was very successful for our company. Our domestic and international sales were achieved thirty percent above the targets we assigned. In order to meet the increasing orders, we have invested in machines at the highest technology level in almost every part of our production and recruited the necessary personnel. In addition, we started the construction of 5 thousand square meters of closed area in addition to our existing 20 thousand square meters of closed area. We have further developed our existing R&D department. Innovations do not end for our company. Our R&D department works day and night both on a machine basis and on a technology basis in order to integrate its own knowledge and thoughts with user requests. We will present these innovations to users at the upcoming ITM 2021 Exhibition. Another innovation we can talk about for our company is about carpet finishing lines that started in 2019 and gained momentum in 2020. We produced machines for many carpet and blanket manufacturers. Thus, we took a strong step into the carpet and blanket industry.
Could you talk about Elteksmak’s dominance in the foreign market? Which countries do you export to?
In general, we export 60-70 percent of our production. Our machines operate in five continents of the world. We reached this rate in 2020 as well. Our strategy is to increase foreign sales as much as possible without forgetting the importance of our country in the textile market and to be present wherever there is textile. We provide our presence everywhere with our overseas experienced marketing staff, reputable agencies, our own offices in some countries and service units we set up in every country that has a certain number of machines. Because of the contraction in many countries due to the crisis in 2020, our foreign sales this year mostly; It concentrated in Pakistan, Egypt, Russia and Uzbekistan.
What are your goals for 2021 as a company?
Hoping that the pandemic period will end as soon as possible, we have increased our 2021 sales targets with the help of our increased production capacity and especially with the belief that our new machines that we will offer at ITM 2021 will win the appreciation of the users. Our plans, as always, are to identify the user’s problems and offer our solution-oriented machines that we are constantly developing to the service of our customers. In addition, we will participate in the exhibitions that we really miss and that will take place abroad as well as ITM.
What are your new products that you will introduce at ITM 2021 to be held this year?
Elteksmak is a company focused on drying technologies. Our main machines; Poslu model stenter machine, Elnİno and Elmego X models are tambler drying and touching machine, Airelax model free dryer, Vaporesso model steaming and fixing machine.
We will exhibit three of these machines at the fair. We can already say that we will have a surprise that will please the user at ITM 2021 especially regarding our stenter machines.
Interview: Z. Seda DEMİRDELEN