Receiving Turquality Brand Support, Durak Tekstil Raised a Target in Exports
Thanks to Brand Support, which aims to support Turkish companies to reach a more competitive and stronger position in the global market, Durak Tekstil will both increase its power in priority markets and provide significant foreign currency inflows to the Turkish economy.
Durak Tekstil Chairman of the Board Hüseyin Kuru stated that 153 companies in our country are approved to participate in the Brand Support Program within the scope of Turquality, and noted that receiving this prestigious and important support both makes them proud and puts a great responsibility on them. Reminding that the first preparatory work on Turquality started 5 years ago, Kuru said: “We came to the documentation stage a year ago and successfully progressed through the process. In order to be a Turquality candidate, you need to have a structure suitable for this. In this context, Durak Tekstil’s brand strength and its development, the brand’s know-how in new markets and the business plans for the future were the main subjects of review. For this, we have undergone serious reviews by an independent audit company and the ministry, and it has been confirmed that we meet international norms by getting high scores. The fact that we are receiving Brand Support is also a confirmation of our strong corporate structure, solid supply chain and innovation-oriented production and product development processes.”
Brand Support will accelerate international operations
Hüseyin Kuru, expressing that Durak Tekstil is advancing with short, medium and long-term strategies and plans in both the local and global markets, emphasized that their international projections for the next 5 years are ready and Brand Support will enable them to be faster and more effective. Noting that the Brand Support period is 4 years, Kuru explained that during this period, they will focus on the 5 different country markets they have determined and they will receive investment support within the determined limits.
He remarked on Durak Tekstil’s international works within the scope of Turquality Brand Support, and continued his words as follows: “We will carry out operations aimed at promoting the Durak Tekstil brand abroad, entering high-potential markets and increasing its strength in existing markets. In this context, market research studies, organizing conferences and seminars on products and technical advantages, participation in important sectoral exhibitions, sales-oriented structuring and office openings in target country markets will be carried out.”
Durak Tekstil’s exports will increase double in 3 years
Kuru stated that Europe and America stand out among the main markets of Durak Tekstil, saying that they will not proceed with a specific product in these regions and they will operate with a wide product range according to the demand and opportunities in the market. He disclosed: “Durak Tekstil is currently reaching sales channels in more than 75 countries without Brand Support. In short, we are waving our flag in these countries. Thanks to the brand support, our range of activity in the markets we are in will expand. We will be able to expand to other regions apart from specific cities as well. We have already started our work with the information we received from the markets for this projection.”
Hüseyin Kuru reminded that Durak Tekstil has been advancing with short, medium and long-term road maps for many years, saying that at the end of the next 3 years, they foresee their growth in exports doubling with the contribution of Brand Support.