“We have installed our EVO Weaving Machine in many countries such as Italy, Turkey and India”
Interview: Dilek Hayırlı
Itema’s recently launched EVO Weaving series has won great recognition. “Many EVO machines have been installed in various countries, including Italy, Turkey, India, Europe, North and South America, and many more are in the process of installation,” said Matteo Mutti, Itema Group Chief Sales, Spare Parts, Service & Marketing.
Itema, a leading global supplier of advanced weaving solutions, unveiled the EVO Weaving series for the first time at ITMA 2023. This machine features key innovations designed to raise the bar in terms of textile craftsmanship, eco-efficiency, performance and easy weaving.
We interviewed with Matteo Mutti, who assumed the position of Chief of Itema Group Sales, Spare Parts, Service and Marketing Department as of January, for the special issue of ‘Italian Textile Machinery Industry’. Mutti stated that they are very satisfied with the feedback they have received from customers regarding the EVO Weaving series, and made evaluations about 2023, and explained their investments and expectations for 2024.
First of all, how was 2023 for your company?
The year 2023 was marked by the hosting of one of the significant exhibition in the textile manufacturing industry in our home country, ITMA 2023. Held in Milan, ITMA 2023 provided us with a significant opportunity to showcase not only our cutting-edge machines but also our facilities, benefiting from the strategic proximity to the exhibition center. Beside this, we took advantage of the presence of many technical textiles producers to organize events dedicated to this specific and demanding textile sector and to present our full range of solutions to weave a wide range of technical fabrics.
ITMA 2023 had surely a huge contribution in our sales results thanks to the launch of the innovative EVO series, featuring significant innovations designed to raise the bar in terms of textile mastery, eco-efficiency, performance, and easy weaving.
You have recently launched the New Itema EVO Weaving Series? These machines will make great contributions to users in terms of sustainability and digitalization. What kind of feedback has this series received from customers?
The introduction of the new EVO weaving machines generated substantial interest, resulting in a considerable influx of orders. Indeed, many EVO machines have already been installed, or are in the process of installation, in various countries including Italy, Turkey, India, Europe, North and South America.
However, we faced a market slowdown in the latter part of the year due to geopolitical instability and monetary crises, factors that collectively affected the whole textile machiney industry.
“Turkey is a Supply Center Especially for the Apparel and Home Textile Markets”
How does Itema see Turkey market in terms of growth? Which are your major markets for rapier, projectile and airjet weaving machines in Turkey?
With the establishment of our local branch in Turkey in 2022, we proved our confidence in Turkey’s pivotal role as a sourcing hub within the textile industry, particularly for the apparel and home textile markets. Traditionally, our primary markets in Turkey encompass key segments such as denim, furnishings, curtains, terry, and high-end apparel for rapier weaving machines. Additionally, our clientele includes important producers in the technical textiles sector who adopt our rapier and projectile technologies. Finally, a substantial number of airjet machines in the region are employed in the production of cotton-based fabrics.
Especially the year 2023 was stagnant for the textile machinery sector. What are your expectations about the world textile sector and especially the weaving textile machinery sector in 2024?
In our opinion, 2024 will follow the same trend as the last part of 2023, at least in the first quarters. Nevertheless, we are ready to stand by our customers in front of all the challenges that we are all facing, by adapting our strategies and further strengthening our partnership through our Solutions and services, while waiting for a return to normalcy in the coming months.
As a company, do you have new investments and new machine developments on your agenda in the near future? Can you tell us about your 2024 targets?
Itema is constantly committed to investing in new developments for its weaving machines, which will continue throughout 2024. Regarding our new company investments, instead, we added a new piece to our diversification strategy through Tofflonit, the joint venture launched in 2023 by Itema and Tofflon, Asiatic giant company in the pharmaceutical industry. Thanks to the industrial skills of Itema, the new company will produce in Italy lyophilization systems fort he Tofflon Group. Another important recent investment was the acquisition of the area of the former Cotonificio Cantoni in Ponte Nossa (Bergamo) aimed at creating new innovative space in terms of sustainability and circularity to accommodate expansions of the Itema Group companies’ production and engineering activities.
“ITM Exhibition is a Key Platform for Engaging with Our Potential Customers”
As you know, 2024 is the year of ITM. As Itema, how are you preparing for the ITM 2024 Exhibition? How do you think the ITM Exhibition will accelerate the textile machinery sector, which has stagnated in the last period?
ITM serves as a key platform for engaging with customers, prospects, and partners in the region. Once again, Itema reconfirm its particpation into this significant event, demonstrating confidence in its value. During the exhibition, we will showcase weaving solutions tailored to address the specific requirements of the Turkish market and the surrounding regions.