Balkan Makine: 59 Years Experience in Ginning Machines
Balkan Makine has been founded by Mechanical Engineer Örsdemir Balkan in Aydın/ Turkey on 1960. Especially, it manufacture textile machinery since 30 years. Balkan Makine started R & D studies on the development of modern ginning machines and cleaning equipment for the processing of cotton harvested in 1997 by machine.The company become more comprehensive its R & D activities with the support of TUBITAK and Technology Development Foundation of Turkey in 1996. Balkan Makine, lasted two years and was completed in 2001, the Technology Development Foundation of Turkey project result reached its manufacturing capacity to make a complete ginning factory avaliable for machine harvest. Depending on the increasing work volume, the production of ginning machines, which were previously seen with textile machinery in 2002, was moved to a separate enterprise and got named Balkan Ginning Machinery. It has 30.000 m² product area. Balkan Makine has been improved information processing and machinery park. Approximately, fifty percent of manufactured machinery is exported to the Turkish republics, Europa, Africa, America, India, Russia, Brazil. 250 persons have been working in the Production line of Balkan companies. The company uses highest technology in its factories to improve capacity of textile machines and ginning machines. Balkan Makine attended DREAM project in Europe Commitee for improve its production steps and production periods. The company has more than 20 agents in the World.
Last 5 years Balkan started producing home textile machineries for ball fiber for pillows, pillow filling and weighing systems, quilting feeding line for domestic and Europen market. Balkan Machinery Products are; Cotton Cleaning, Blowroom Machinery, Fiber, Hard Waste Recycling Machinery, Fiber Preparing Machinery for Nonwoven Lines, Polyester Fiber Opening, Ball Fiber, Pillow Filling and Quailting Machinery, Bleach Cotton Prepering and Processing Machinery, Clacks, Magnet and Fans.