BUTEXCOMP Supports SMEs for Green Transformation
Composite Material and Technical Textile Prototype Production and Application Center (BUTEXCOMP), which is one of the most important technological transformation projects of Turkey and carried out by Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BTSO), has signed an exemplary work in the field of green transformation.
5 Different Green Product Programs to be Supported
The Green Product Grant Program is designed to support the green/environmental friendly/environmentally sensitive/environmental impact-reducing new product development projects of the companies in the technical textile and composite sectors established in Bursa by using the infrastructure of the BUTEXCOMP center with the support of expert staff and advanced infrastructure and to create new green products from the region. As a result of the consultancy services provided to selected SMEs, a minimum of 5 different new green product programs will be supported. The program aims to reduce input costs, increase commercialization volume and export potential for selected SMEs, and support network formation in the technical textile and composite value chain.
The applications will be evaluated by experts in January 2023 and the projects to be supported will be determined. In February 2023, the projects to be supported will be announced and grant agreements will be signed. Projects will be actively supported between March 2023 and December 2023.
Projects Supported with a Budget of 800 Million Euros
The Competitive Sectors Program, run by the Ministry of Industry and Technology within the framework of the financial cooperation between the European Union and Turkey, is a financial assistance program that supports projects with a budget of approximately 800 million euros. Since 2007, the program aims at social and economic development by increasing the competitiveness of industrialists, SMEs and entrepreneurs in different regions of Turkey.