Yataş Group Made 170 Million TL Net Profit in 2020
Nuri Öztaşkın, Yataş Group CEO Nuri Öztaşkın
Yataş Group, which succeeded in maintaining its investments and sustainable growth by turning the pandemic period into an opportunity, announced its 2020 financial results. Yataş Group achieved a net profit of 170 million TL in 2020, increasing its profit by 97 percent compared to 2019.
The company’s 2020 EBITDA (profit before interest, depreciation and tax) increased by 73 percent compared to the previous year and reached 297 million TL. Net sales revenues for the year 2020 grew by 50 percent and reached 1.75 Billion TL.
“We will continue to grow steadily in 2021”
Making an evaluations on the issue, Yataş Group CEO Nuri Öztaşkın said: “We grew 40 percent in the first quarter of 2020. As a result of the measures taken after the first coronavirus case in Turkey, our stores were closed for a while, affecting our sales. We turned towards to alternative sales channels. Our Yataş Bedding brand has online sales, in addition to this, we started an order period by phone.
We offered the same opportunity for Enza Home. We also continued to strengthen our overseas sales network. We expanded our sales point abroad to 96 with the brands Enza Home and Yataş Bedding. We increased our exports, which constitute 7 percent of our turnover, to 10 percent during the pandemic period.
We will continue to grow steadily and strengthen our store network in 2021. By the end of the year, we aim to open 200 stores in the country and 100 more sales points abroad.
Exports to 50 Countries
As one of the leading manufacturers of the sector, Yataş offers services with its 92,000 square meters of enclosed space, 160,000 square meters of open space, factories in Kayseri and Ankara, with more than 1,400 employees and over 400 sales points.
Yataş Group has been taking firm steps towards becoming a world company with its developing technology and increasing quality since the day it was founded; and is moving forward in its adventure to open up to foreign markets and established a position to export 50 countries.
Yataş Group, mainly serves in Germany, England, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, Morocco, Georgia, Iraq, Italy, Montenegro, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Libya, Lebanon, Macedonia, Egypt and Turkmenistan with 50 corporate stores.