ACIMIT: The Biggest Contribution to the Italian Exports of Textile Machinery Came from Turkey
Exports represent 82% of total sales, realized in about 130 destination countries. This process of internationalization, together with the vocation for innovation in the sector, allowed Italian companies to consolidate and further improve the leading position held by the Italian textile machinery industry all over the world.
In the first nine months of 2020 the main destination of Italian exports of textile machines was Asia (38%), followed by Europe extra UE (24%) and European Union (21%). The biggest contribution to the Italian exports of textile machinery came from Turkey. In the first nine months of 2020 Italian exports toward Turkish market amounted to a value of Euro 154 million. Turkey is followed by China, United States of America and Pakistan.
The supply of Italian manufacturers covers all the classic sectors into which we can divide textile machines.
Italian sales abroad are divided among these main sectors: 3 6% dyeing, finishing and printing machines,
21% accessories, 17% spinning machines, 10% knitting machines, 10% weaving machines and 6% other
Turkey, an excellent partner for Italian textile machinery manufacturers
The important role that Turkey plays in the international textile and clothing industry has made the Country
one of the world’s leading markets for textile machinery.
As far as the Italian exports are concerned Turkey is the second largest market for Italian textile machinery
industry, accounting for 11% of Italian exports. In 2019, Italian sales in the Turkish market reached a value
of 161 million euros (-23% on the previous year). In the first nine months of 2020 the Italian exports observed
an increase (+44%), reaching a value of 154 million euros.
The most requested Italian machinery for the Turkish market are the knitting machines (34% of the total
exports towards Turkey), followed by finishing machines (24%).