Picanol Introduces Two Brand New Rapier Weaving Machines
“Everyone at Picanol is eager to help our customers by providing the best technologies available on the market for airjet and rapier machines, as well as an outstanding local service and support team. The four development principles of Picanol – Smart Performance, Sustainability Inside, Driven by Data, and Intuitive Control – guide us in all our ventures. Inspired by these four principles, our R&D team has been developing some really exciting innovations that displayed at ITMA Asia + Citme. These include two airjet weaving machines, four rapier weaving machines for flat fabrics, as well as one rapier machine for weaving terry towel. Furthermore, there was an additional rapier machine in jacquard execution at the Bonas booth,” comments Johan Verstraete, Vice President Weaving Machines.
In addition to displaying the many innovations made to its range of both airjet and rapier machines, Picanol premiered two new rapier machines: the brand new GTMax-i 3.0S has shown in a 4 color dobby execution, weaving a denim style, whereas the new GTMax-S on display has been an 8 color dobby machine in 380 cm reed width weaving a silk fabric.
Picanol also demonstrated an OptiMax-i gripper machine in free flight execution of 540 cm width at the exhibition. This represents a significant innovation breakthrough for specific technical segments.