Signs of Recovery Seen in the Last Quarter of 2024 Raised Hopes of Industry Players for 2025
The year 2024, which was marked by global economic uncertainties, wars and cost increases, negatively affected many sectors. One of those sectors was textiles and ready-to-wear. In 2024, employment decreased and export data fluctuated. The signs of recovery seen in the last quarter of the year make players in the sector hopeful that they will have a more positive outlook in 2025.
Turkiye’s textile and raw materials sector realized exports worth 942 million dollars in December 2024 with an increase of 1.8%. However, the general course of exports fluctuated throughout the year. In particular, in December 2024, despite an 8.8% decrease compared to the previous month, an increase of 1.8% was observed compared to the same period of 2023. Turkiye’s total exports increased by 2.5% to $262 billion in 2024, while exports of industrial products rose by 1.8% to $183.8 billion.
According to the capacity utilization report announced by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkiye; the average capacity utilization rate of the manufacturing industry for the last 12 months was realized as 76%. In December 2024, the capacity utilization rate, which was realized as 71.6% in the manufacture of textile products, increased by 0.1% compared to December of the previous year.
Employment Declined in Textile and Ready-to-Wear
Employment in the textile and ready-to-wear sector decreased to 966 thousand in October 2024, down 8.2% compared to the same period of 2023. A decrease of 9.7% was particularly noteworthy in the ready-to-wear sector. On the other hand, textile and raw materials sector provided 385 thousand employment in October 2024. Compared to October 2023, employment in the textile and raw materials sector decreased by 5.7%. While the ready-to-wear sector employed 581 thousand people in October 2024, employment in the textile and raw materials sector fell by 9.7% compared to October 2023. This decline is due to economic difficulties in the sector and economic uncertainties around the world.
Although the challenging economic environment of 2024 had a negative impact on the textile industry, signs of recovery towards the end of the year offer a promising outlook for 2025. With exports on the rise again and capacity utilization rates stabilizing, the sector could achieve more robust growth in 2025.
Export Routes: EU and African Countries
In 2024, the highest exports of textile and raw materials were made to the European Union (EU) countries and exports to EU countries increased by 0.8% compared to the same period of 2023 and amounted to 4.6 billion dollars. The second country group to which Turkiye exported the most in 2024 was African countries. Exports to African countries decreased by 11.8% in this period and reached 1.3 billion dollars. In 2023, exports in terms of quantity increased by 4.4% and exceeded 2.8 million tons in this period.
Most Important Export Market: Italy
In 2024, when the prominent countries in Turkiye’s textile and raw materials exports were evaluated, Italy was the most important export market. Exports to Italy decreased by 1.7% to 832 million dollars. The second country with the highest exports in this period was the USA.
Turkiye’s textile and raw materials exports to the US increased by 7.7% to 780 million dollars. The most prominent countries in December were Egypt with 40.5% increase and Bulgaria with 23% increase. In 2024, Turkish textile and raw materials exports increased by 4.4% on quantity basis compared to the same period of the previous year and reached 2.8 million tons. The most important export market in terms of quantity was Italy with a 7% share. In 2024, exports increased by 14% and reached 195 thousand tons. This country was followed by the USA with 154 thousand tons and Germany with 151 thousand tons. Among the top ten countries, Pakistan was the country where exports increased the most. In this period, exports of textile and raw materials to Pakistan amounted to 95.8 thousand tons.
Turkiye Exported Most Woven Fabrics
In 2024, the most exported product group was woven fabric with a share of 20%. When the most important sub-product group was analyzed; it was seen that exports of woven fabrics from synthetic artificial filament yarns ranked first with a share of 38.1% and an export value of 876 million dollars. While 39% of Turkiye’s woven fabric exports were realized to EU countries, exports to these countries increased by 1.7% in 2024 and were recorded at a value of 897 million dollars.
Technical Textile Exports Increased by 3.3%
In the same period, technical textiles, the second most exported product group, increased by 3.3% compared to 2023 and exports reached 2.2 billion dollars. In 2024, it was observed that 33.5% of total exports consisted of the nonwovens product group. In this period, Turkiye’s nonwovens exports increased by 14.3% to 758 million dollars.
The second most important product group in technical textile exports was bags and sacks for packaging made of technical textiles with a share of 14.6% of total exports. In 2024, Turkiye’s exports of the related product group increased by 8.4% and reached 330 million dollars. The third most important product group was padding and felts with a share of 8.1%. Turkiye’s exports of the related product group increased by 1.7% in 2024 and reached 184 million dollars.
Looking at the top 10 countries in Turkiye’s technical textile exports, it was observed that the largest export market was the USA. Exports to the USA increased by 24.1% in 2024 and reached 191 million dollars. The second country was Germany with a 7.9% share in total exports. Exports to this country increased by 14.4% to 180 million dollars.
Italy was the third country to which Turkiye exported the most technical textiles. Exports to Italy, which had a 7.1% share in exports, increased by 13.4% in 2024 and reached 162 million dollars. Exports to EU countries, where 47.9% of technical textile exports were realized, increased by 8.3% and reached 1 million dollars.
The most significant increase among the top 10 countries was 31.7% in exports to Spain. Turkey’s technical textile exports to Spain in this period amounted to 95 million dollars with a share of 4.2%.
2.2 Billion Dollars of Yarn Exports in 2024
Yarn exports, the third most important product group in Turkiye’s textile and raw materials exports, increased by 5% in 2024 and reached 2.2 billion dollars. It was observed that the most important sub-product group was yarns from manmade filament yarns with an export value of 795 million dollars. The share of this product group in total yarn exports was 36.1%. Exports of the cotton yarn product group, which is the second largest sub-product group with a share of 30.7% in total yarn exports, increased by 20.2% in 2024 and amounted to 677 million dollars. In 2024, the most important country in yarn exports was Italy, which exported 212 million dollars worth of yarn, while yarn exports to Italy decreased by 2.5% in this period. Other important countries that stood out in yarn exports were England, Egypt and the USA.
1.8 Billion Dollars Worth of Knitted Fabric Exports
In 2024, knitted fabric exports decreased by 6.1% to 1.8 billion dollars. The most important sub-product group was other knitted fabrics with an export value of 1.2 billion dollars. The share of other knitted fabric product group in total knitted fabric exports was realized as 66.8%. The second sub-product group was knitted fabrics containing elastomeric or rubber yarns with a share of 24.4% in total exports.
The most important country in knitted fabric exports was Italy, which realized 184.6 million dollars worth of exports, while knitted fabric exports to this country decreased by 6.7%. In 2024, other important countries that stood out in knitted fabric exports were as follows: Bulgaria, Morocco and Ukraine.
7.7% Decline in Home Textile Exports
In 2024, home textiles decreased by 7.7% to 1.7 billion dollars. When the sub-product groups were analyzed, it was seen that the most important product group was towels and cleaning cloths with a share of 33.4%. Turkiye’s exports of towels and cleaning cloths decreased by 1.5% in this period and reached 582 million dollars. Home textile exports to Germany, the most important country in home textile exports, decreased by 11.8% to 313 million dollars in this period.
1.1 Billion Dollars Worth of Fiber Exported in 2024
In 2024, fiber exports decreased by 5% to 1.1 billion dollars. The most important sub-product group was cotton fiber with a share of 49.2%. In this period, cotton fiber exports decreased by 13.5% to 569 million dollars. The second sub-product group was synthetic fiber with a share of 49.1%. The most important country in Turkey’s fiber exports is Iran, which has a 12.7% share in total fiber exports with 147 million dollars of exports. Fiber exports to Iran decreased by 20.5% compared to 2023. Other important countries that stand out in fiber exports are as follows: Pakistan, China and Spain.
Garment Supply Industry Exports Increased by 5.2%
Exports of the garment sub-industry increased by 5.2% in the same period and amounted to 638 million dollars. The most important sub-product group was the hooks etc. from ordinary metals with a share of 16.5% in exports. Exports of the related product group increased by 19% in this period and reached 105.6 million dollars. In 2024, Romania was the country where Turkiye exported the most garment sub-industry. Turkiye’s exports of garment sub-industry to Romania in this period increased by 4% to 53 million dollars.
Top Denim Fabric Exporting Country: Egypt
In 2024, Turkiye’s denim fabric exports increased by 12.2% to 273 million dollars. The most important country in denim fabric exports was Egypt with approximately 63 million dollars worth of exports and 23.1% share. Tunisia ranked 2nd with 21% share and 57 million dollars worth of exports, while Morocco ranked 3rd with 11% share and 31 million dollars worth of exports.