From the First Day of the Exhibition, We had Visitors from Many Countries such as Bangladesh, America and Poland
ITM 2024 opened its doors to visitors from all over the world. Murat İşcan, General Manager of Ser Mekatronik, expressed his satisfaction with the interest he received on the first day of the exhibition and underlined that ITM is an important organization that brings together the world’s textile manufacturers.
Murat İşcan, General Manager of Ser Mekatronik, whom we interviewed for our Tekstil Teknoloji magazine, made evaluations about ITM 2024 Exhibition. The highlights of the interview are as follows:
“We Started Construction of a New Factory”
We participated in the event with double drum raising machine, shearing, brush, stenter and our newly designed felted, steam and rubber sanforizing machines. All of these products are a package and are widely used in textile factories.
Our machines are already well known and preferred by users and add value to their production. We are in serious development especially on fleece lines and carpet raising machines, which is our new investment.
Textile is a sector that always renews itself and creates new products and fabrics. We support the sector with all kinds of machinery and R&D investments. As Ser Mekatronik, we strive to spend every penny we earn for the sector. In this direction, we started the construction of a new factory of 14,500 square meters. R&D and P&D studies will also be carried out in the facility.
“We Sell Machinery All Over the World”
We have been a leader in digitalization for a long time. We sell machines all over the world. The cost of sending employees for maintenance behind these machines is very high. Remote accessibility and connectivity saves companies from these high costs. We aim to use such technologies more widely.
“We are very hopeful for 2025”
Our primary expectation from ITM 2024 is that it will enable us to communicate with the customers we cannot reach. Thus, we will have the opportunity to introduce our products to our potential customers in person. We are very hopeful for 2025. 2025 will be a more productive year.
“ITM 2024 Exhibition Met Our Expectations”
ITM 2024 Exhibition met our expectations. Last year, due to visa problems, participation in exhibitions organized in Europe was very limited. Participants could not find what they were looking for. The fact that ITM was organized in Istanbul made it possible for Asian, European and American textile manufacturers to come together without any problems. From the very first day of the exhibition, we had visitors from Iran, Bangladesh, India, Poland and America. This once again showed us how important a centre Istanbul is.