Ministry of Commerce Support to ITM and HIGHTEX 2022 Exhibition
The ITM 2022 Exhibition and the HIGHTEX 2022– International Technical Textiles and Nonwovens Exhibition, which are going to be held simultaneously, are included in the ‘‘Sectoral Qualified Domestic Exhibitions Included in Support’’ list of the TR Ministry of Commerce in 2022.
In this context; ITM 2022 and HIGHTEX 2022 participant companies, which have not applied for KOSGEB Domestic Exhibition Support, were established within the framework of the provisions of Turkish Commercial Law and are members of the exporters’ union, will be able to get back 50% of the invoice amount paid for the ground rent and stand expenses within the scope of the support. The maximum support amount for each company will be 30.000 TL.
Applications will be made through DYS (Support Management System).
Detailed information about the support conditions and the documents to be prepared can be found through the link: According to this;
- Information about the support of domestic exhibition participants can be found in the 6th article of the ‘‘Decision No. 2014-4 on the Promotion of Sectoral Qualified International Domestic Exhibitions’’;
- Information on the Issues to be Complied by the Exhibitor, Application for Support after the Activity, Evaluation of the Application, and Payment Conditions can be found in the articles ‘‘8A, 9 and 10’’ of the ‘‘Implementation Procedures and Principles of Resolution No. 2014-4 on Supporting Sectoral Qualified International Domestic Exhibitions’’;
- Information on the Documents Required to be Submitted through DYS in the Application for Support for Domestic Exhibitions can be found in Article “B” of the Circular on Implementation Procedures and Principles of the Decision No. 2014/4 on Supporting International Domestic Exhibitions with Sectoral Qualified and the Operation over the Support Management System.
KOSGEB Support to ITM 2022 Exhibition
In the meantime, companies participating in the ITM and HIGHTEX 2022 Exhibitions will be able to benefit from KOSGEB support. Among the exhibitions included in the Annual Domestic Exhibitions Calendar Communiqué published on the website of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and in the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette, domestic international specialized exhibitions are included in the scope of the support.
In this direction, the ITM 2022 International Textile Machinery Exhibition, which is included in the TOBB 2022 Main Exhibitions Calendar, was among the exhibitions supported by KOSGEB.
The amount of support to be provided per m2 at the ITM 2022 Exhibition will be 250 TL and the maximum area to be supported per company will be 50 m2.
The application procedures and principles of the ‘‘Domestic Exhibition Support’’ included in the Business Development Support Program by the TR Small and Medium Enterprises Development Administration- KOSGEB were revised on 17.09.2020. Accordingly, the application process for the participating companies that will apply for the exhibition support will be as follows:
In line with KOSGEB’s new regulations, the participating companies that want to benefit from Domestic Exhibitions Support must apply through KBS at the end of the exhibition. “Pre-Application” will not be submitted before the exhibition.
At the end of the exhibition, after the Domestic Exhibition Organizer Establishment Final Report is approved by the relevant Board unit, a reimbursement request will be made by the participant company via KBS (SME Information System).
In order to request payment, the Support Application Form and the fair participation invoice will be attached to the KBS and the application will be completed.