Smart Ring Frame LR 90′ Series for Spinning Success from LMW
Lakshmi Machine Works, an India-based machinery manufacturer with verticals in textile machinery, is showcasing a new ring spinning machine at ITMA 2023, which it touts as the world’s longest with 2400 spindles.
LMW proudly introduced the Longest Smart Ring Frame LR 90 Series, the first of its kind to the market with a host of features that deliver superlative benefits to the end user.
The company says the large number of spindles on the machine – titled the LRJ 90/SX Series, available globally – increases productivity and produces quality yarn. The machine has application areas in 100% cotton, synthetic blends and recycled fibres. The LRJ 90, which has been “two years in the making”, will “certainly assist the user in industry and in their financial performance”, said M Sankar, president, textile machinery division at the company.
The highlights of the Longest Smart Ring Frame LR 90 series are as follows:
The machine comes in two variants, LR90 SX/SXL (without compact) and LRJ 90 SX/SXL (with inbuilt suction compact arrangement).
Ring Frame LRJ 90/SX
Increased Productivity and Quality
The Ring Frame LR 90 Series is the longest ring frame offering in the market with a maximum spindleage of up to 2400. With a higher spindle speed of up to 30,000 rpm (mechanical), the machine delivers higher productivity with consistent quality. The technological enhancements and the quality package ensure up to 30% improvement in yarn imperfection and classimat H1 fault and reduction in EBH upto 2-3%.
Power Savings
The energy efficient, low decibel HLED spindles coupled with HK RYC consumes lower power and saves up to 8%. The pneumafil suction and compact suction are so designed that the overall power savings including the spindles is up to 10%.
Compact Footprint
This Smart Ring frame is design with a gauge length of 65 mm and occupies lowest footprint and saves space of up to 8%.
The state-of-the-art automation includes the Ring rail drive, New auto-doffer drive mechanisms and Suction unit with AWES.