Polteks Will Provide Efficiency in Machines with Nippol Cylinder Technologies
Polteks, which produces cylinder-based machines, especially calender machines for the textile industry, started to produce models with inflatable cylinders, Nippol – I cylinders and Nippol – II cylinders after the classical calenders it produced. Nippol cylinder(roller) technologies are used in calender machines, which are used in textile dyehouses and are a very important machine for giving the fabric its final shape and texture.
Before talking about these cylinder types, we will have to talk about the pressing force, which is one of the important parameters in calender machines, and the effects of this pressing force on the fabric. The fabric passes between the cylinders in the calender machine that apply pressure to each other with a certain force. The most important point here is that the force must be the same across the width of the fabric. Different forces cause different effects and touchês across the width of the fabric, which is undesirable.
Cylinder Types
There are mainly 3 types of cylinders in the current calender machines. One of them is a chrome-plated cylinder that can be heated, in which there is at least one in each calender machine to provide heating element. Other types of cylinders are paper/cotton cylinders used to achieve more matte and soft touchês. Thirdly, the roller type used is called polyamide, which is mostly used for polishing and crushing the fabric. In calender machines, cylinder arrays and numbers are determined by using these three types of cylinders.
Among these cylinders, there are 3 types of cylinders called polyamide which is used in the sector.
The first of the polyamide rollers is called classical polyamide. This cylinder has a shaft, polyamide on the shaft, and butt flanges. It is mounted on the machine by placing the bearing on the trunnion parts. These cylinders have a camber on the polyamide sheaths and the camber value is determined according to the force value the machine will operate. To prevent different forces on the edges and in the middle, work with a force appropriate to the curvature value.
The second type of polyamide is called inflatable cylinder(roller) or s-roll. Here the cylinder consists of many parts. In general; the cylinder has an inner shaft, a pipe mounted on the shaft, bearings bearing the pipe on the shaft, and sealing parts. The main difference of this cylinder from the classical polyamide cylinder is this. It is not cambered on the polyamide sheath. This cylinder provides the machine to obtain a smooth printing with a middle-edge difference at the force that the machine works. It can be done that can be adjusted according to the edge pressures of the cylinder that may be inside. Where this cylinder is located, there are edges mounted on the ends of the cylinders, as in the machines where classical polyamide is found in the machines.
The third type of cylinder is internal piston cylinders and these are called nipko cylinders. The structure of these cylinders is also somewhat complex like the structure of inflatable cylinders. There is an inner shaft of the cylinder, a polyamide sheath placed on the shaft, a large number of pistons, bearing bearings and sealing equipment that is mounted on the shaft and run along a line or two lines with 90 degrees to each other. In this cylinder type, there is no camber on the polyamide sheath. Machines with this cylinder do not have pistons at the cylinder ends. Multiple pistons in the polyamide cylinder provide the pressure of the cylinders to each other. Which of these pistons will be active can be selected according to the width of the fabric to be passed through the machine. In these machines, the shaft stands still and the polyamide sheath moves radially on the shaft. Therefore, the special sealing system of the ends of these cylinder types is used.
Because of the curvature on the cylinder in conventional polyamide machines, only one force value can be passed on these machines without the edge-middle difference. This is a situation that severely restricts the machine.
In machines with inflatable cylinders, fabric at any force value can be passed without the edge-middle difference. However, these cylinders can only work in one direction due to their structure. In other words, an inflatable roller that works in contact with the chrome roller cannot be operated by contacting with a polyamide roller. In this case, the fabric has to be passed between the chrome and polyamide cylinder. Polyamide/polyamide or polyamide/paper keys cannot be obtained.
In machines with internal piston nipko cylinders, the polyamide cylinder also works by moving radially in one direction. The advantage of this roller compared to the inflatable roller is that it can work by pressing a chrome and a polyamide roller placed at a 90-degree angle. In this case, both chrome/polyamide and polyamide/polyamide working modes can be obtained. This roller has two disadvantages. One of them is that problems occur in the face sealing system in a short time due to the working principle of the cylinder. This cylinder starts to leak oil from the forehead parts in a very short time, which causes both money loss and pollution and unwanted stops. The forehead sealing system used in inflatable cylinders is much better and problem-free than the system in these cylinders. The second disadvantage is that the system operating at 90 degrees cannot be mounted on old conventional machines.
The double-sided deflection-controlled cylinder, which Polteks produces and named Nippol-II, has a shaft, a polyamide sheath on the shaft, a large number of pistons and sealing equipment and bearings placed on both sides of the cylinder at 180 degrees. There are pistons at the ends of the cylinders in the machines with this cylinder. There are special restriction parts between each roller bearings, which allow the bearings and rollers to approach each other at a specified distance. Later, the pistons in the cylinder come into play and provide pressure on the fabric.
With the innovations Polteks brought with this project, the problem of oil leakage in the faces of the internal piston cylinders was prevented by making improvements in the frontal sealing system. Moreover, since there are pistons on both sides of the cylinder in our project, it is possible to install it on old classical machines.
The second innovation is extremely important. Because of this, more efficient and alternative use of old machines with very limited usage area is enabled.
This system will enable homogeneous adjustment of the pressure, which is one of the important parameters in the calendering process, to have chrome/polyamide and polyamide/polyamide working patterns and this feature to be made on old machines, and will allow many companies to modernize their existing machines with lower investment costs without the need for new calender investment. will facilitate the sale of machinery abroad, and will allow an increase in foreign currency entering the country.
In order to that, Turkish manufacturers, who will have more modern machines, will be able to offer higher quality products to the world market.