Textile Machinery Exports Increased in 2018
Nalbant pointed out the 20% increase in textile machinery exports and said, “We have seen that exports have an important place for the economy of our country. No matter what you produce, you cannot sell it to the world if you don’t produce it in world quality. Turkey is a country of textiles. It is also the largest buyer in the textile machinery market. We’re always in the top five. We are in the seventeenth place in average machinery export. Among the countries that have shown interest in our machines, England ranked the first for the last four-five years. Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, Egypt are also at the top ranking countries.”
In an interview we held as Tekstil Teknoloji, TEMSAD Chairman Adil Nalbant highlighted that in Turkey is very strong and has a vast knowledge in textiles, and said, “We have achieved to make exports over 650 million dollars in 11 months this year. As of the last month of the year, we exported approximately 750 million dollars of textile machinery in total. 500 million dollars of this amount consists of dye finishing machines. We need to keep alive and maintain the industries that contribute to the economy. We need to give importance to fashion, brand, design and high value added technical textiles by strengthening our textile sector. We need to develop our machinery and engineering companies to produce their technologies.”
Noting that Turkey has the third largest capacity in the world in textile finishing, Nalbant said that the world’s highest quality fabric finishing is made in Turkey.
“We want to move this development in textile finishing machines to other parts of our industry,” says Nalbant. “We also want spinning, weaving and knitting machines to be manufactured in Turkey. An initiative was started for this purpose with all stakeholders in the industry. I believe that textile machinery should be produced in our country for both the textile industry and the general industry in our country. In addition, the machine producers should be able to make their machine with domestic products. If we keep dependent on foreign industries In these matters, the manufacturer cannot be regarded as a producer.”
Emphasizing that a proper envi- ronment and willpower is needed to develop a machine industry, Nalbant said, “There must be sufficient engineers and infrastructure to produce the machines. Besides, I think we should start with our own internal sources for operate the machines as well as the market. For this reason, a government, i.e. decision mechanism is needed to produce machinery and protect the industrialist. If we brought our exports from 38 million dollars in 2001 to 750 million dollars in 2018, this is due to our efforts and works. In the present conjuncture, it has been inevitable for us to produce these machines ourselves today and for the future. For this purpose, the government should offer opportunities both to the textile producers and the textile industry, not only incentives or money support. First and foremost, there should be measures against the machines produced in Turkey with foreign components. Turkish products produced by Turkish people should be used. Limitations should be introduced on the foreign machines. Local industrialist should be provided with tax reductions. First of all, machines must be produced in Turkey according to the identified needs of the textile industry. Sales should be made supported by introducing new laws. A country can powerful in the machinery industry, if also powerful in trade and economy.”
Association of Turkish Textile Finishing Industrialists (TTTSD) and Textile Machinery and Accessories Manufacturers Association (TEMSAD) signed on cooperation to reduce imports of about 10 billion dollars for yarn, woven and knitted textile machinery made last year in the textile machinery industry. The agreement between TEMSAD and TTTSD includes a close cooperation between textile machinery manufacturers and textile finishing industrialists, who use these machines, making more factory visits and improving the existing cooperation. In addition, TTTSD is planning to increase its existing capacity by renewing its production facilities in the textile finishing industry in 2019 to close the current trade deficit.
One of the decisions made in agreement between TTTSD Chairman Vehbi Canpolat and TEMSAD Chairman Adil Nalbant, alongside their boards of directors, aims to address the change of perception for Turkey’s annual machinery imports of 10 billion dollar, that is 2 billion Turkis Lira. Canpolat said that there will be big initiatives in the purchase of textile finishing machines in the next 5 years and emphasized that the capacity has increased, and accordingly, more local machines will be needed.
News: Kübra Karaca